Nevíte, co znamenají jednotlivé pojmy z oblasti bankovnictví? Třeba vám pomůže náš slovníček pojmů. Upozorňujeme ale, že se nejedná o oficiální a závazné definice.
Nevíte, co znamenají jednotlivé pojmy z oblasti bankovnictví? Třeba vám pomůže náš slovníček pojmů. Upozorňujeme ale, že se nejedná o oficiální a závazné definice.
(Delivered at frontier)
(S&P 500)
(Unattended Environment)
(Unattanded Acceptance Terminal)
(Deposit Guarantee Scheme)
(Grey market)
(Overdraft chequeing account)
(Secondary market)
(Floor broker)
(Cryptographic key)
(Skimming device)
(Warehousekeeper's certificate.)
(Warehousekeeper's warrant.)
(Letter of indemnity)
(Compound option)
(Compound interest)
(Hotel Reservation Service)
(Exchange commission)
(Bill Broker)
(Bill of exchange)
(Demand draft)
(Sight bill)
(Bearer bill/note)
(Exchange rate)
(Mixed funds)
(Lease-purchase agreement)
(Cardholder agreement)
(Merchant agreement)
(Average down)
(Social responsibility)
(Private key)
(Bad debt)
(Going short)
(Dirty price)
(Dirty bill of lading)
(Paid up capital)
(Instalment loan)
(Paydown Schedule)
(Land contract)
(Instalment payments)
(Accounts payable)
(Links between securities settlement systems)
(Joint account)
(Joint liability)
(Joint ownership)
(Society for World-wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (S.W.I.F.T.))
(Unlimited company)
(Standard & Poor's Corporation)
(Savings Bank)
(Spot price)
(Spot transaction)
(Spot exchange rate)
(Spot market)
(Consumer credit)
(Key management)
(Fair market value)
(Stand-in / On-behalf services)
(Stand-in processing)
(Data encryption standard)
(Standby credit)
(Articles of Association)
(Old Lady of Threadneedle Street)
(Treasury bond)